Clément OUDOT

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Set up Single Sign On, Access Control and Second Factor Authentication on web application with LemonLDAP::NG

LemonLDAP::NG is a free software (GPL license) that you can use to provide Single Sign On and Access control to Web applications.

This workshop will teach you to deploy and configure the solution, enable second factor authentication (2FA) and protect sample applications.

The FusionIAM initiative

FusionIAM is a new initiative to offer a global open source IAM solution.

LemonLDAP::NG 2.0: Mutli-factor authentication, Identity Federation, WebService and API protection

LemonLDAP::NG is a well known WebSSO software. The 2.0 version was released in 2018 and brings a lot of new features, like multi-factor authentication (TOTP, U2F, ...), WebService and API protection, Plugin system...