Apache Mavibot : a new backend for Apache Directory Server

Thursday 19th October, from 11.20 to 12

Apache Mavibot is a Java implementation of a MVCC (Multiversion Concurrency Control) based B-tree system. It aims at replacing the previously used JDBM library, which was proven to be brittle.

This idea was discussed back in 2007, but was not implemented until 2013. The very first version was a good enough replacement for JDBM back then, it doubled the server’s performance, but lack of transaction was a real problem.

This new version brings transactions across B-trees, allowing a totally consistent database, with increased performances. It also allows bulk-load, which boost the initial load of data into a LDAP server.

Apache Mavibot is going to be the default backend for Apache DS in the future.


Emmanuel Lecharny

Emmanuel Lécharny is an Apache Directory project committer since 2006, member of the Apache Software Foundation since 2008, and has been the chairman of the Directory project (Apache Directory Server, Apache LDAP API, Apache Directory Studio, Apache Kerby, Apache Fortress and Apache eSCIMo) and MINA project (Apache MINA, Apache SSHd, Apache FTPServer). He was also the mentor for some incubation projects : Apache Groovy, Apache Sentry and recently Apache Netbeans.

He worked in the 1990 on X.400 and X.500 areas before creating his company IKTEK in 2000. He is currently working for Symas, the company supporting OpenLDAP, as a software architect.

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